
The study of philosophy encourages students to think deeply and critically about reality, 我们与世界的关系, 推理, 和价值观. The Logic and 哲学 of Cognition minor combines a focus on logic, 推理, and the philosophies of science and mind with the flexibility to pursue your personal philosophical interests.

one student pointing at computer screen as other student looks on



Take a critical look at reality


教师 bring a wide variety of perspectives to the field.

The 哲学 faculty have a wide variety of interests, 包括形而上学, 认识论, 理论与应用伦理学, 美学, 哲学史, 以及公共哲学(例如.g.(儿童哲学). 


探索 your interests through research, internships, and more.


教师 encourage students to attend philosophy conferences and submit their work to reputable undergraduate journals. 大学生哲学...



In a unique service-learning class, students learn the theory and practice of teaching philosophy to children. 学生学习...


The student-led 哲学 Club is open to all 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 students and meets regularly to hold discussions and socialize with other students interested...


Annual Hemlock Award for Best Philosophical Essay

Each year, the 哲学 faculty recognize outstanding philosophical work by awarding the Hemlock...

Lecture Series and Annual Events


The annual 史蒂文艺术浓缩系列 hosts an array of artistic talent, but also features an internationally...


哲学 prepares you for a good life – in every respect

哲学 builds skills in critical thinking, 理解, 解决问题, and oral and written communication that are essential for any career, and also enables you to critically consider the values that will guide you through life.


一些学生 攻读研究生学位 in specialized fields like Medicine, 神经科学, or 心理学. The critical thinking skills gained through the study of philosophy are valuable for any industry, and positions held by 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 alumni are 多样化和广泛.


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